Agile Experience

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pair Programming

I wanted to tell you story a I recently heard about Pair Programming in the field:

A friend of mine, we'll call her Alice, has recently started working in a the offices of a small financial firm here in Dundee. She was asked to work on creating a financial report in Crystal Reports which would access the company database. The database schema is huge containing over 1000 tables and views and my friend knew that there was no way she was going to be able to learn enough about the database to produce the report on time. She is the only person in the organisation with enough Crystal experience to produce the report so I sugested she pair with someone who knows the database. She was hesitant at first but I explained that the combination of skills would help her meet her deadline.

Everything started well. Alice managed to get one of the database guys from another team, we'll call him Bob, to agree to pair with her. Alice and Bob sat at the same desk and sailed through the issues that came up. Alice could quickly sort out any Crystal report problems and was clear on the business need behind the report and Bob could sort out any problems with the logic in the query and the data that was returned. It was a perfect pairing combination of technical and business knowlege with just enough overlapping skills to be able to communicate together effectively.

Bob's manager wasn't so impressed. When she looked over all she saw were two people doing the same task. Two people that could be doing their own work and not wasting time sitting together. That night she decided to speak to Bob and sort this out. She asked Bob how Alice and he were getting on. Was he going to be doing the same thing tomorrow. Was he sure that it was necessary to sit with Alice. She suggested he install Crystal on his own machine to make it easier to work seperatly. She even suggested that Alice needed time by herself to learn on her own and implied that by pairing he was somehow holding her back.

Bob did what he thought was right, he wanted to please his manager, and told Alice that they couldn't pair any more. He told her how she had to learn for herself and that he couldn't waste the time pairing. Alice was hurt. The previous day had been a real sucess and she had come in full of enthusiasm to finish the report. The report suffered. Alice spent all the next morning struggelling with the subtle database issues and making little progress on the report itself. She finally got fed up and went to speak to Bob. She told him about the problems she had run into and asked him again if they could pair. Bob relented and they moved to the same desk. Progress on the report  leapt forward. They easily overcame any issues that came up and finished the report by the end of the day well before deadline. Pairing does work.

Bob's Manager, the customer of the report, is still unconvinvced about pairing but can't deny the obvious difference in progress. She was acting in the what she felt was in the best for the business, trying help make progress on the report faster but her actions had the exact opposite effect. There is a lack of understanding of the nature of the work on her behalf. If the report is the product of the work then this was a product development task not a product production taks. She failed to understand that.
Bob's manager isn't alone. This a reaction I've come across again and again when explaining Pair Prograqmming.

The problem is one of education, how to educate managers on the benifits of Pair programming. I've seen live demos but It's a difficult practise to demonstrate because you almost have to be in the pair to understand what's happening. I've seen some exercises on the web such as Industrial Logic's Pair Draw which may help in getting the point across and the articles at but I'm interested to hear what have you tried? How have you convinced both programmers and managers that Pairing is a good idea. What gave you the "Aha" moment when you learnt to Pair?

I'm going to try the pair draw exerceise with a group next week. I'll let you know how it goes.


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